Are You Self-Editing Your Identity for Others? Do you ever feel like something is missing in you and it’s making life tricky to navigate? Do …
Are You Self-Editing Your Identity for Others?

Know the past to choose your future
Are You Self-Editing Your Identity for Others? Do you ever feel like something is missing in you and it’s making life tricky to navigate? Do …
Why Community Is Vital For Mental Health Care Culturally, mental health care may be considered a taboo. Generationally, it’s cause for distrust and inadequacy. Yet, …
Create Space For Grief Cultural generations have faced grief with support of faith and family, while community creates space for grief. As generations move away …
How To Nurture A Multicultural Life Children of multicultural families experience situations that are new to parents, who rely on their own cultural norms. These …
What’s In A Name? Your Cultural Identity Many challenges arise from living a multi-cultural life. The challenges to fit into a culture that is different …
Women Who Gave Up Everything For Us First generation children, of immigrant parents, can get caught in the struggle of a multicultural identity and lose …
Creating a Fashion Forward Cultural Identity You are a badass chica who loves her look and sassy style. Fashion is a great statement of true …
Does Your Mother Ask Too Much of You? Living true diversity out loud can be difficult, especially when complicated by cultural norms and expectations, especially …
Are You Living Your True Self? Too often we are told to stop being “fill in the blank here” and sacrifice our identity just so …
Adjust Your POV to Lighten the Load and Feel Renewed The daily grind can make our most cherished life journeys turn into heavy burdens. Rather …