In the finale of Season 2, Consuelo brings it all together to emphasize the purpose of the podcast, from her choice of the cover art to the name of the show.

We are born as badass chicas with the power to affect other people positively and joyfully in living our true selves out loud.

With this in mind, bridging all 4 generations of women together creates a force of change that will manifest a world intended for us; one that honors, respects, supports and nurtures women as the source of humanity for the millenia.

Plus, Consuelo gives a sneak peak of what Season 3 will bring starting Wednesday, August 3, 2022.


Consuelo… with an ‘o’

Badass chica, 1st generation Peruvian, solo female who disregarded the patriarchy and forged into structural engineering... in stilettos, but really wanted to be a record album cover artist instead.

27 personalities rolled into one that bring insight, enthusiasm, humor and fearlessness to encourage young women to live their lives out loud and on their terms.

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