6 Generations of Vagina Owners Unite

This week, Consuelo reflects on Alejandra Crites’ journey to breaking down the cultural and societal barriers revolving around women’s wellness.. No longer do young girls have to learn about menstruation from awkward conversations with their mom, or even worse, dad! Women can learn about menopause long before that first sweaty episode in the middle of winter.

All thanks to Co-Founders, Alejandra Crites and Savannah D’Orazio bringing Casa de La Luna to the forefront of women’s vaginal care at any age. Find out how to support these amazing women so that 6 generations of women and vagina owners worldwide can celebrate freedom from the body barriers that held us back.

Resources for today’s show

Consuelo is a first gen Peruvian, structural engineer and mother who encourages women, especially women of color, to disregard conformity so their true personalities and talents will make this world a sassy musical rather than a monologue. Viva!

Connect with Consuelo

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Consuelo… with an ‘o’

Badass chica, 1st generation Peruvian, solo female who disregarded the patriarchy and forged into structural engineering... in stilettos, but really wanted to be a record album cover artist instead.

27 personalities rolled into one that bring insight, enthusiasm, humor and fearlessness to encourage young women to live their lives out loud and on their terms.

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