Latina Filmmaker, Chloe Caudillo, joins us this week for an amazing, uplifting episode of going after your dream and loving every step along the way.

Chloe shares how the difficulty of not fitting in completely to either culture, her Mexican heritage or American society, led to her vibrant, unique Sci-Fi storytelling, honed on expressing how she felt as a child through stories and art.

Her love of storytelling kept encouraging Chloe to take chances on herself and discovering the communities that supported her vision, nurturing lifelong friendships and ultimately, a chance at the Big Screen. 

‘Development’ is the story of a First Gen Latina striving to make it in corporate America only to realize she has to become a clone of a privileged nepo baby. Sound familiar? The movie takes on many of Chloe’s own experiences, even using her real parents names for the lead roles filled by epic stars, Haskiri Velazquez and Sal Lopez. Chloe draws on her own friendships to ensure full representation for the hard of hearing community, creating a role specifically for actress,

Even after this big win, Chloe stays true to herself with her mantra, “let go of what it looks like, or what it’s supposed to look like or what it’s supposed to be and just be present in your life and on your path”.

We can’t wait to see more of what Chloe Caudillo has in store for us movie goers! Remember it’s up to us, the audience, to support the Latine creatives and their teams if we want full representation on the Big Screen. 

So get your snacks ready and slide into your cozy seat to cheer on this amazing mujer, Chloe Caudillo, in her story of self discovery, empowerment and the success that came from sharing her most authentic self. 

Connect with Chloe on IG @coco.loca

Check out her film, ‘Development’ on IG @development_film and on her website at

And check out her favorite cafecito place Picaresca Barra de Cafe in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, for her chosen Cafe de Olla! Thank you, for keeping our Latina filmmakers happy!

Consuelo is a First Gen Peruvian, structural engineer, mother and Scorpio fired Latina out to hold the mic and shine the light for Latinas defining today’s cultura in their authenticity.

Connect with Consuelo on IG @Consuelo_Ends_in_O

Discover Encuentras Your Voice podcast on IG @EncuentrasYourVoice and join the comunidad of amazing Latinas!

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[00:00:00] consuelo: Hola, Chicas. Welcome to Encuentras Your Voice podcast, the vocal piece of Encuentras Media, to bring you all the hits and highlights of what is happening in the world of all things Latina. I'm your host, Consuelo Crosby, Peruana, structural engineer, mother, and Scorpio energy Latina, ready to hold the mic for you to share your valuable story of living in your authenticity and the success that it brings you. Join our sassy guests as they proudly share how it started, how it's going and where they are headed to support and encourage amazing success.

Your voice is powerful, and it's time we kick it up to maximum volume for everybody to hear. You want representation,

[00:01:00] then you have come to the perfect comfort zone. Relax into this and feel a major part of something big, bold, and beautiful.

Coming to you every Wednesday, 5 PM California time, but available to you anywhere in the world because our Latinidad is global. Love having you here, so sit back now and join the fun.

Hola Chicas! Welcome to our newly rebranded podcast, Encuentras Your Voice, the evolution of the Life Lnxxpodcast, as we lean into the Latina journey to discover the power of authenticity and the success that follows. I'm your host, Consuelo Crosby, coming to you on this Valentine's Day, sending out all the love for a year filled with the people who see you, support you and fuel your journey. No negativity here.

No reason to hang on to what's

[00:02:00] weighing you down. So let it go. And as you will hear today, that is exactly what our special guest, Chloe Caudillo, Latina filmmaker, writer, and director, encourages each of us to strive for, as she leads us through her own journey, starting from the little chica growing up in Dekalb, Illinois, writing creative stories to feel empowered in a world where she was not enough in either culture. Already sounding familiar?

You don't have to be a filmmaker to write this story. Right? And yet, following her passion of storytelling, wherever it led her, New York, Chicago, and ultimately Los Angeles, where she was awarded a Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival fellowship sponsored by Netflix to bring her film, ’Development’ to

[00:03:00] life, the film created from her most authentic voice. You will feel seen in this episode, maybe even track the moments when you may have wanted to quit your own dream journey. Yet Chloe will remind you of all the reasons to keep going.

In her own words, “let go of what it looks like or what it's supposed to look like or what it's supposed to be, And just be present in your life and on your path”. Now those are words you can repeat to yourself daily, to be free of expectations and love who you are and what you do authentically because there's no one else in the world like you. Chloe is a perfect guest to kick off our newly rebranded podcast, Encuentras Your Voice, because we are all about authenticity. Authenticity is your

[00:04:00] superpower. And once you find it, discover it, lo encuentras, it will lead you to the success and happiness that you have been working so hard to create. And in that authentic voice, you are heard, empowered, and things really begin to happen. So get comfy, lean in, and join the conversation with Chloe Caudillo, Latina writer, director, and ultimate filmmaker as she shares her journey and some teasers on what's ahead for her.

Welcome to Encuentra's Your Voice Podcast, our first episode on this new name. And so happy to have Chloe Caudillo share her time and her journey with us today.

consuelo: I'm so honored that you have joined us. So why don't you chime in and tell us a little bit about Your upbringing, your heritage, and get us going on who

[00:05:00] is Chloe Caudillo.

chloe caudillo: Yeah.

chloe caudillo: So I'm a 1.5 generation Chicana. Uh, I was born in a little corn town called DeKalb, Illinois, which is, like, 60 miles west of Chicago. My mom's from Mexico, from Matamoros, Amalupas. And my dad is was born here, but his parent his dad's from Mexico. His mom was Tejana.

chloe caudillo: So, like, fully, you Latina heritage, but definitely the generational, you know, like, having one parent who's an immigrant, one parent born here. My grandpas had passed away, you know, by the time I was born. But the so the matriarchs were my my abuelas, and one was we call her Macho, which is kinda my mom's mom, and the other is Nana. But I think just coming from seeing the two sides really lift these women, and they were very strong and independent, and they had both, different parts of of their lives left their husbands after having kids, and, you know, started their own journey. So when I was growing up, they were dating and were pretty independent.

chloe caudillo: So I think that's something I'm just putting that out

[00:06:00] there because I that's not conventional. My sister I have a little sister, so we always talk about how, Like, that we you know, that's kind of affected our our worldview, just having all these independent women. And our mom is is the same. She, you know, came here at twenty-one to the US, worked in a factory most of my life, and then would also she was a hairstylist. So she would cut hair in our basement growing up. There'd always be these, like, Spanish speaking people coming to the door asking for Señora Reyna, which we didn't appreciate at the time, you know, like, She really believes in in what she does now.

chloe caudillo: She has her own business, which is going on almost, I wanna say, like, 18 or 19 years in our hometown. So just someone who never really, uh, she kinda blazed her own trail, never really took what other people might have, put on her, like, perception-wise. So I think that is something that has, obviously had a, like, fueled my own path as well. So my parents are still together, and, they're super supportive. And I I

[00:07:00] give them a lot because they you know, I think my our family's a little unconventional. I'm super unconventional. And they they support us, and they love us.

consuelo: What was it like for you growing up in small town in Illinois?

chloe caudillo: My first language was Spanish, but they threw me into an all English school. So I remember feeling so, you know, ashamed of my accents and in both both cultures, actually. Because then I would go to to Misa on on the weekends, and those kids would also they're like, “oh, you say this word funny”. So, like, both cultures kind of rejected me.

And, you know, you're it's so confusing when you're a kid, and you don't really understand it. So if I was you know, I think for me, I I really I I suppressed a lot. You know? Like, I really, you know, didn't wanna speak up, but I really gravitated towards writing and drawing, and that became my my voice. And I've so I've always been a storyteller.

Ever since I was little, I would, you know, I was always gravitated towards these outsider stories, and I would write my little versions of them as well.

[00:08:00] consuelo: Were you creating your world when you were doing that, the world you wanted to be in?

chloe caudillo: Yeah. Are they just the world? You know, I felt I didn't realize about these, you know, sci fi horror, these kind of outsider Fantastical stories. It's, , in a way how I felt, but I couldn't, you put a name to it.

I couldn't really show it, but these, , fantastical stories kind of you know, I I they kinda showed what I felt like. when I was little, I would write the stories, and I'd draw little pictures. And now that I'm, like, you know, a director, that's called storyboarding.

So I was doing that As a child, not even knowing, you know, it was just something I did. So my whole life, I this is always in the background of me writing, creative creative writing, Doing arts. I was always artistically inclined, but it was never something that was encouraged. I never knew you could have a job, doing that. And so, when I went to college, there's definitely this pressure to, like, go into a real, major?

consuelo: First

[00:09:00] Gen Latina history. Yep. Mhmm.

chloe caudillo: So I think I was, like, premed for I I think I I was trying to be premed for, like, one semester, and then I switched to psychology, which is good. I, you know, I think Yeah. I was learning about myself, so it was it was cool to study that.

And I think it's just been useful to to learn about people and and cultures, and I've always had that Had a perception of having to jump between two cultures, you really learn to, like you can perceive the class and cultural differences. You You learn to adapt to kind of whatever situation you're in. My Sophomore year, I walked into this, like, cultural house on campus. It's called Latina. And they had a newsletter, and I started volunteering there.

And I think I started showing up more than the the people they were paying, so they offered me a job. And so I ended up being a co editor with two other lovely woman, Latinas. And so that was you know, it was cool to be doing that and and writing and and editing. So and I I had

[00:10:00] my one my first writing mentor there, uh, Veronica Khan, who she worked for the house, and she was the first person who actually told me, like, you could have a are doing this. You have an interesting way of writing and, you know, storytelling, and I didn't know how to pursue that.

I remember taking a creative writing class in college, and I wrote a story, again, because my mom's an immigrant. You know, like, We, as kids, would volunteer and and, you know, help families. And I remember writing a story about a an immigrant man who Moves to the US from Mexico and and kind of like, the world through his eyes. And I was in a room with all these, non diverse classmates, And they kind of spoke and be like, wow. I never thought to think about, like, what these people like, what their lives are like.

And I think that was kind of the first time I'm like, okay. , There's just nothing out there that really says that. I mean, there's a couple of movies, you know, growing up. I think El Norte is, like, my parents' favorite You know, there's a couple of films out there, like, especially when I was growing up, but but very few and far between.

consuelo: [00:11:00] Sure.

chloe caudillo: So when I didn't see it really out there, that's when you're just filling any you you don't see yourself. You wanna, you

consuelo: Mhmm, you

chloe caudillo: kinda fill that void.

chloe caudillo: Yeah.

consuelo: when you were little and you go to school and you're you're being put into an all English speaking, having only spoken Spanish as a child.

consuelo: And you're realizing, oh, wow. I have to learn this whole new language and learn at the same time. And then you're also learning, oh, and my Spanish isn't quite right either, and you're in the middle of these two. How did that develop as you got older? Where were you on the cultural identity spectrum?

chloe caudillo: Yeah. I mean, as a kid, you're just constant identity crisis.

chloe video: Right? Like, who am I? Why is it why do I feel wrong in both cultures? But I think, you know, as you mature and you start to take the the best of both worlds, And I think that's really for me. I I took what were there's things

[00:12:00] both that I really liked. There's things, you know, like machismo that's not and luckily, I'm not from a family that that's really you know, well, that's really the case. But I think there's, yeah, but I think there's things that you learn to kinda let go of because, You know, they're not right to you.

So the more that I meet people that are authentic and also kind of come from forging their own paths, I think those are the the type of people that, as an adult, I am more drawn to. But I definitely have you know, I have two friends. They've been my best friends since I was, like, 6. and one was from one world, and the other is from the other world.

And they're still my good friends, but, like, they would never necessarily hang out on their own. But, you know, they're kind my two so they represent my my two worlds

consuelo: So you're you're bridging them, you are the bridge between the two worlds And actively speaking to it in in your writing and in your creative stories and such as you're growing up.

chloe caudillo: Yeah. And then you learn too to kind of suppress. There's certain things that you suppress in one culture, and then there's certain things you

[00:13:00] suppress in the other. So I what's cool about art is you can just put it out there and, you know, like, figure out a way, like, how do you merge them? And I think for me, you know, art is a lot of finding myself. Like, how who am I as a person and and kind of reckoning with you know, I think I think that's why I've always kind of been an artist. It's like, how do I take these two worlds and mesh them together in a way that works for me?

consuelo: Did you did you stay with the psychology? Did you go towards writing?

chloe caudillo: I graduated with a psychology degree, um, and then After that, after I graduated, I moved back to my hometown and worked in the school district.

And there's a lot more diversity, you know, in those years. one of the proudest things I've ever done in my life, I started I cofounded a mentoring group for these eighth grade Latino girls called Chicas.

It's ‘Changing How I Can Achieve Success’. It's still going on.

I think it's in two schools now. I think one of the first girls from the first cohort is runs it now. So for me, that's it it's so cool

[00:14:00] to see. And but at the same time, I was, like, twenty-four, twenty-five, teaching these girls follow your dreams. Do this.

And I really was not doing that myself.

So I I got the opportunity. A friend invited me. She's going to law school in New York, and she had, like, a room open for the summer. So I literally I was like, okay.

I'll just go, you know, kind of feel it out. I I'm so glad I was so naive. , I literally went to move to New York with, , two grand to my name and, , a dream, like, not much else. And then I ended up living there for 5 years, and that living in New York and yeah. Figured it out.

consuelo: Yes.

consuelo: Latina style. Yeah. Definitely Latina style. So you loved it. You didn't yearn for going to back to your smaller hometown? You love the big city. You love the opportunity?

chloe caudillo: Yeah. Yeah. And just the people. And New York is such an interesting place.

Even you know, I've lived now in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The culture is so different in each city for a lot for different reasons. So In New York, it's there's a

[00:15:00] lot of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans and more, you know, like, the Caribbean Latinos, and so it was so cool for me to just learn about those cultures.

Just the the fact that there's so many different classes and cultures kinda living on top of each other, you really see the whole the full picture of, like, how everything's connected even though it doesn't necessarily appear that way.

So I think that my experience there informs a lot of the types of stories that I tell because I really love I'm a culture clash of a person, so I love, doing that in my work, and New York is definitely a place where that happens naturally.

consuelo: New York also has, um, major creativity, lots of, Filmmaking, lots of studios, were you leaning towards thinking, okay, here's a place where I could take off in the profession?

chloe caudillo: what I would tell other people is, like, you have to live life in order to be able to write about it. So I think the fact that I was in a new world and learning new things and learning about Like, who am I when my family is not around or, you, when I don't have the support system? So

[00:16:00] it definitely, Made me grow, and I have some friends from that city that will be they're special people forever because of the things that we went through. We're all finding ourselves.

consuelo: Yeah. I love that. I love that. So, yeah, because you're that's your twenties, And you're just extracting yourself out of that hamster wheel of this is what you do next, then you do this, then you do that. But now you've you've leaped, You jumped off this ledge of freedom, and and you spend the time in New York.

consuelo: That's a great place to figure out who you are.

chloe caudillo: Totally but it it got hard. I was working in education, and all of my artists and teacher friends were getting kind of pushed out of Manhattan. So I think it got to the point where I just felt like, why am I here? It feels so hard to just survive here.

You know? And so I needed something else. So I moved back to Chicago, and I took a a writing class. I signed up for a writing class at Second City. And the reason I signed up was because [00:17:00] when my last job in New York, I worked for a nonprofit, and Tina Fey was our ambassador. You know, Tina Fey from SNL and, yeah, 30 Rock. Yeah. Yeah. Fey?

consuelo: Oh my lord, that oh, so your universe is leading you on, saying okay girl, here

chloe caudillo: Yeah.

So so she you know, we had a gala, and she was on stage. I didn't get to meet her personally, but she was interviewing my boss at the time. And there's something about the way that she spoke, and she was just so sharp and so witty that I was like, I I I want that. You know? Like, how do I get that?

And then going to Chicago, you see the advertisements for Second City and, she's all over them. So I was like, yeah. If this helped her, you know, why not? So took one class. It was a cold winter in Chicago.

So, uh, And it kind of snowballed from there. You know? I met some friends. We started making digital digital sketches. Yes. sketch, improv, writing, and then they were starting Second City was starting to, roll out, their own film program.

[00:18:00] So it was like a year long filmmaking program.

consuelo: Mhmm.

chloe caudillo: I applied and got accepted into the second cohort ever.

consuelo: Wow!

chloe caudillo: so it's called the the Harold Ramis Film School at the time.

No. It was it was cool. And I just started a full time job, so I I did this the program while working a full time job. So it's literally that year was like a blur. It's just working, but feeling so fulfilled. You know?

And What's cool about Second City and, I guess, the the way that they did things and also Chicago. It's more indie. So you we really got to do a little bit of everything, which I think is so important to be a director or creative, like, learning, what it feels like to be in the actor's shoes, Learning about editing, learning about sound, like, all of these really important, aspects of production that all need to come together to tell a cohesive story.

consuelo: more opportunity in Chicago for you to play all the different roles, get really into it.

chloe caudillo: we just know more about it because there's more ]

[00:19:00] access and there's more education.

chloe caudillo: There's more transparency about, what it takes to to make content. And, not a one size fit all. Like, People come to it from all walks of life, and, , and there's not a direct way to, break into the industry. So and for me, I I've kinda come to peace where I just love creating art.

A year ago, I received a grant from LALIFF, and it's funded by Netflix. So it was a grant for $30000 dollars to make a short film.

I cried when I got accepted. Thanks. I mean, the beautiful thing about that

consuelo: jump up and down and scream.

chloe caudillo: Yeah.

chloe caudillo: Yeah. And I I think, like, getting accepted into to film school and then getting this grant, it's just think in both of those applications, I was very you know, I'm like, hey. I'm bicultural. Like, I have a very point of view, and I really tried to be authentic in the things I submitted. And so the fact that they both accepted my weirdness, uh, we'll be forever grateful.with LALIFF, it was really

[00:20:00] a big challenge because, , you're working in a, basically, a simulated studio environment. So you're getting notes from executives. You have all these deliverables to me, and you have to, you know, build the team and and maintain the vision.

consuelo: communities, Latino communities, black communities, Asian communities talk about breaking in. It's so hard to get in. And and we, As the audience are thinking, wow. That's just, like, there's this heavy weight of Hollywood that won't allow it to be done. And yet you're saying no.

consuelo: you can get in. You can get your, voice, your films, your writing. It it's more about you knowing how get it into these different opportunities.

chloe caudillo: Yeah. I I think there's a lot more out there. And, also, you know, there's one thing about creating your art, and there's another thing about the industry recognizing.

Those are two separate kind of things. So I'd say when if you're trying to make something to get into the industry, it it's hard. It's different. Like,

[00:21:00] I I think for me, my journey has just been making stuff that I haven't seen, you know, making stuff that's fulfilling to me that other people, , validate or believe in collaborating with people to, come up with things together that we haven't seen and think are interesting. So I think community is so important.

My journey was a lot like following my mom, seeing her on on the side, kind of building her business, building her own, long term, goal. And so for me, it's just like, I'm learning.

I'm I'm doing it. I don't need permission to. So I encourage anyone who's interested, take a class, find a community. It doesn't matter how you know, what age you are. I think All of our stories are valid and, it's a lot about, collaboration.

Just like learning how to tell an authentic story, and finding others who, share your passions and, creating things together. So

consuelo: Mhmm. Okay. that is worth highlighting right now because it is about, Like you say, just doing

[00:22:00] it, doing it for yourself, doing it as part of the process of learning for yourself, and you're you're setting yourself On a potential for another career path that doesn't just happen overnight, doesn't just happen when you decide you're going to do it.

consuelo: But now, LALIFF… LALIFF is Los Angeles. This is the third city. , and so, Where did you go “You know, I'm going to apply to LALIFF. and and was The Netflix cohort part of that application, or is that a second step?

chloe caudillo: It was all it was kind of the the same fellowship. It was funded by Netflix. But taking couple steps backwards when the pandemic happened, I think, collectively, we all had existential crises. So for me, I realized I had gotten so disconnected from my art, you know, the the things that brought me joy that it was kind of a wake up call to, like, find that again. And as soon as I started writing, as soon as I really started telling the store like, the hard,

[00:23:00] difficult stories, like, working through my own stuff. You know? But that's when all these doors started opening. So I really leaned into that. I was starting to get meetings with people in LA. there was starting to be some traction with my writing.

I signed with my literary manager the day that I arrived in LA. And that was after having months, yeah, months of meetings. And literally, he emailed me, like, the day before we're starting our cross country journey. We scheduled a call, uh, the day that I arrived.

So I arrived. There's nothing in my apartment. Like, literally, I was on my phone, no electricity, And the Wi Fi and, you know, sign up with my manager. So yeah.

consuelo: Oh, that is huge impetus. That is it's like that must have felt like, Oh my goodness. That was not a leap of faith anymore. In that instant, you're like, I am here where I belong.

chloe caudillo: Yeah.

consuelo: are going to happen.

chloe caudillo: And, again, everything that since then has just solidified for the both of us.

consuelo: LALIFF is Los Angeles,

[00:24:00] Latino International Film?

chloe caudillo: Film festival. It's a film festival. So they have a grants. Yeah.

They have a fellowship that's funded through I think there's a Netflix creative fund. So And they choose each year, I wanna say, ten filmmakers. So you're in a cohort, And you have to apply with a script. You have to apply for budget. tHere's a bunch of different essays.

I think I had to submit a video. So there's a lot of application materials. There's you had to submit something you direct us previously. So it just happened that I was at the point where I had all of this, material, and I I was, qualified for it. But, again, it's like all these things over the years lead that led up to this moment.

consuelo: That you were In your heart, in your soul lining up for yourself. You were following some kind of intuition, because no one you how to do it,

consuelo: And you were exposing yourself to at least the industry, but you were it sounds like you were always guiding yourself, whether it was the people, The decision making in, , Second City,

[00:25:00] being in New York, something was guiding you towards it. And then you get to Los Angeles, and you're prepared with something you had written in a very authentic voice, very, it feels like putting a stake in the ground.

Like, this is who I am creatively. This is what I represent, and bingo. That That is the voice that got heard. So let's talk about that script. That script that I got to see the movie, and then I'm thinking Everyone has to see this short.

This is fantastic. talk about the script and the short film that came from it In that LALIFF, cohort that was sponsored by Netflix.

chloe caudillo: Yes. So I applied to the fellowship with a script called Development.

It's about a Latina professional who advocates for herself to be a part of a leadership seminar only to realize that all the trainees are expected to become literal clones of the Nepo baby boss. In this journey,

consuelo: just happens to be a white man.

consuelo: Shocking.

chloe caudillo: Yes. And in this journey,

[00:26:00] she she connects with a fellow outsider, And together, they must figure out how to stop the cloning. it's a genre smash of, things, but the the story came to me.

Again, just feeling like I was going through an existential crisis. I think I was approaching my fortieth birthday. And, again, I had these kind of dual paths, and I think I just felt very stuck, in both and just feeling like I I see people kind of picking one lane and succeeding, and why does it feel like I'm so much slower? And, being a certain age and, you know, just feeling like you like like, who am I still? Like, what what is my future?

You know? And so it really came from a place of, , vulnerability. And, again, it's I have gotten so many other rejections, you know, at this point from other projects. I'm like, let me just write what is the craziest thing that I could write that is so me that, no one else write this way.

consuelo: But it's also the whole point. Right?

Isn't that the that's the whole point of Of having the podcast for us, it's

[00:27:00] like, this is where you can be your authentic self. There is no code switching. There is no okay. Now I have to put on, I'm a filmmaker voice, or I'm an author voice, and this is what the audience wants to hear. We wanna hear the authentic path, the authentic voice, um, that you put out there. But Was it I don't wanna be that vulnerable that kept you from writing in that voice before, or were you trying to please who was reading it

chloe caudillo: I was just trying to tell a story, who would be like, I come from a working class family. Right? Like, who would be my antagonist or who is someone that I feel like and it would it'd be someone who comes from a lot of privilege. He doesn't understand me.

From there, I just wanted to kinda show what imposter syndrome felt like. So using clones and, again, I always had, , a Sci fi brain. My brain's a little broken. so for whatever reason, the whole vision of this story kinda started with me just thinking one day, like, why is it that I know the names of [00:28:00] so many, , white male billionaires?

They'll never like, they'll never know who I am. just always in the media. And, like, what would happen if I were to be in a room with one of them? , what would I say? Would they know my name?

And as soon as I pictured it, I saw myself surrounded by, like, Same archetype. I was like, That's an interesting thought. So then it was, like, working backwards. And you know what when I wrote the film originally. It was kinda like, how do we, you know, take down the patriarchy and make a statement?

consuelo: Mhmm.

chloe caudillo: and I think afterwards, the through the whole journey, I realized, no. It's about imposter syndrome. It's about, like, the biggest monsters are from within, And how do you kind of, work through your own stuff to be your authentic self? So it was definitely very cathartic, and I I think it's so allegorical about just what it takes to be an artist and how do you tell your own stories and, Be yourself.

consuelo: And have that be the power. That is the superpower is when you are your authentic self. And we weren't we're not

[00:29:00] gonna do any spoilers, right, Because we're gonna have people see this short, which you are aiming to have into a full feature.

chloe caudillo: I would say it's more of a sci fi comedy. And, , the plot is a little different, but I really love the chemistry of the the two lead actresses. And star producer, Bia Bia, who's become a dear friend and really saw the vision. She really cared about doing this right. There's Special effects components. There's, you know, an accessibility piece.

Uh, one of the characters is from the deaf and hard of hearing community. And I I wrote it for a specific actress, Raquel McPeek Rodriguez uh, but it's it's based on, a dear friend and just someone who kind of made me see the world in a new way and kinda check me with my own, privilege too. when this actress we sent her the script and she accepted, I was like, “oh my gosh. is this amazing”.

consuelo: absolutely

chloe caudillo: yes, uh, then Haskiri

[00:30:00] Velasquez, who had just come off of the reboot of Saved by the Bell, she was The the lead on that.

Yes. And was also in the 40 year old version.

consuelo: through.

chloe caudillo: So she came on for the the lead role of Estephanie And, uh, also as a producer. So this is a first project where she decided to be a producer on it as well. And then Sal

chloe caudillo: yeah. Yeah. She's super great. Really, a full partner in this. She really cared.

Again, like, saw the vision, really gave herself, brought something super special to the role. Um, and then Sal Lopez, who was someone I'd seen on the TV growing up,

uh, came on to play the role of Estephanie's father, Marcos. And the the parent characters are actually named after my parents because, like, when else am I gonna be able to, you know,

consuelo: Oh,

consuelo: that's awesome. Yes.

chloe caudillo: Yeah. So I think and, you know, Leticia Castillo, we cast as Estephanie's mom, Reyna.

Also super brilliant and great. Uh, And then the

[00:31:00] Jeff Lorch, who was the nicest man you could ever cast to play a villain or, you know, like, a a jerky kind of character.

Yes. So the and, you know, I learned so much from the casting process. We actually we worked with ADL casting who there's two Latino casting directors.

So Alan Luna, Natalie Ballesteros they're the ones who, like, connected us to all these amazing people. But, again, it's just like it takes a village. And, you know, writing something so personal where you feel like, I don't know if anyone's ever gonna understand this.

And the fact that people resonated with it, it just kinda showed me, yeah, the more that you put yourself out there, in an authentic way,

I think people will be drawn to it.

What is the thing I can do that, like, no one else can do?

consuelo: I love this mix, because talk about authentic voice. You are the only one.

The most hopeful thing to me, in this recent past is is meeting you and a lot of, Research on your fellow core cohorts that were part of this [00:32:00] group, and realizing, oh my gosh. This voice is out there. We are just not having access to it. I love your examples of your writing. And I I wanna take a moment and we're just, read them out on this episode because I want them to be made.

I want to watch these. So you have, uh, Monstrosity, an hour long drama pilot. A teen bruja must join forces with an amnesiac ghost and a reluctant vampire to stop a prophesied apocalypse. I want this to be made, and this is I see where you are On a pedestal now. This is only you.

And you were saying that Latinas are the largest population of moviegoers anyway.

chloe caudillo: we we buy the most tickets. You know? We're a dedicated group. So yeah.

consuelo: I so, yeah. We wanna see it in Super Lupe.

[00:33:00] When supernatural forces begin to wreak havoc in her neighborhood, Lupe, a hero hiding as a maintenance worker, this is hitting so many points, Must summon her long dormant superpowers to save the city.

I think you were Lupe for yourself and reaching this point of Writing and having, um, development accepted into the short films, but these are amazing.

chloe caudillo: yeah. Thank you so much for for reading that and, you know, like, I'm glad that they resonated with you. And I think part of the reason I'm drawn to genre is because a lot of us, Latinas, you know, how we see ourselves. We don't have sometimes a lot of agency in the roles that we get or so I if you can Get make someone a superhero or put them in a strange situation. Automatically, you can give them agency, and kinda set them apart and and be allegorical.

Like, you don't have to be so literal with, showing generational trauma or some of the things that we have gone through, with our families and past, but there's other ways to, play with with some of those aspects.

[00:34:00] consuelo: You definitely hit the points. So it's like We get it, but like you're saying, you don't have to pause there and go deep into it, you know, the stereotypical maintenance worker. Let's not stop there.

consuelo: Let's bring out the light, the hope, the future, the opportunity, And and go there and and change that stereotype. Right?

chloe caudillo: And Super Lupe fun fact, I actually made that as my thesis short in film school.

So there is a short film, and I had you know, the the pilots. I do think that's a character that we haven't seen. Even with all the superhero kind of stuff out there, it's someone who's terrified of her power, and she's seen as powerless by everyone around her. I love that film so much because I filmed it at my office. Like, they gave me permission to film there. And the the actual maintenance the Latina maintenance worker who Veronica, she let us use like, she saw us rehearsing, and I told her about the project. She's kind of she was a friend.

And so she let us use her actual, yeah, equipment and uniform. So that was so special. She had a special

[00:35:00] thanks. But and then, you know, when I've screened it at places, the people that come up to me, , to talk about it, it just makes me so happy. it's more an ode to yeah.

The the first gens, the immigrants who come here and, like, you don't know what they've been through.

And you you kind of just see them at face value sometimes, so I really wanted to change the narrative. Where is the Latina Buffy? You know, what's what's the what's our version of that?

So I could imagine when people are watching your movies, watching these shorts, And if something resonates, it's like, oh, wow.

consuelo: That's right. I'm still holding myself back. I'm still not being my authentic self because This is making me want to bring it out

consuelo: more. Right?

chloe caudillo: Yeah. And I I think you're right on. Even though I tell, like,, fantastical stories, the characters all have really, , human emotions and even the, you know, the monsters and the, other types of creatures. It's like they're complex, and I try to make them, you

[00:36:00] know, three-dimensional, I'm so drawn by, how do you show some of these things you can't see or can't touch in society, and that is kind of just what I'm drawn to as a creative.

consuelo: Yeah. They're fantastic, because just personally and everyone's going to be different. I think that's the beauty of what you're putting out there. It's very open for everyone to have their own personal experience with it, have their own personal experience in understanding what you're portraying. But, yeah, I would say, Personally, for me, that's like, okay.

consuelo: I've lived that monstrosity as with my own siblings.

chloe caudillo: Mhmm.

consuelo: They're the monsters. They're the the ones that are just creating this, oh my goodness, hellacious world. Yet. I would I would wanna be the slayer.

consuelo: I would be that slayer

chloe caudillo: you…Yeah. I think you are. I think I think you are in a very nonliteral sense, but Ithink you you carry that spirit. And yeah.

[00:37:00] With writing, they say that sometimes the the more authentic that you make something, the more universal it is. So I think those things were, yeah, you can have these, made up characters, but you give them your flaws. You give them, you know, hopes and dreams and challenges, and that's what people are drawn to.

consuelo: Yeah.

consuelo: We see ourselves in that because you You're not interested in someone who's perfect and has it all and it's so easy. It's like, yeah. Right. Whatever. That's not real.

chloe caudillo: I've really put in the work to study, to learn the craft.

Uh, again, the industry, it's, uh, it's it's changing, but it's not just the one thing that you make. You know, you have to keep creating. You have to learn. Like, rejection is 99 percent of the experience, and it's all the things you don't see.

consuelo: Oh, that sounds so insanely difficult to put yourself through over and over, but then the power of the passion that makes it, Okay. Just part of the process.

consuelo: Like, accepting this [00:38:00] is part of the process, but at least I get to get my work out there, my voice out there, my authenticity out there. what can we do as the audience, as, potential investors as, affecting change, uh, to have the Latina and the Latino filmmakers Work brought out to more accessible. I

as a community, number one, nurture the artists. They're they're either the kids, they're the neighbors, they our cousins, so nurture the artists. Number one, uh, encourage them to do it.

chloe caudillo: Yes.

consuelo: mhmm

chloe caudillo: two, like, the what we consume. when we do have shows, support them, watch them. building that base, having a dedicated base. And it's not well, not every Latino show is gonna be for all of us either.

Just don't watch the things that feel like they're, pandering to us,

consuelo: Right.

consuelo: Right. There's a difference. Find the difference. Like, just because They're on the screen. Doesn't mean

[00:39:00] that it came from an authentic voice, genuine voice.

how do you see your life changing now? Are you entering into, ownership Of, , a different Chloe than you've been in the past?

chloe caudillo: Definitely. I think this year, there's been so much change and, self empowerment for me. So a lot of it is, you know, holding on to the things same as, you know, my my journey with my identity. Like, holding on to the things that are serving me, that are positive and sometimes letting go of things that aren't.

Now I'm at the point where I kind of have a better sense of who I am and what I wanna do. So being more intentional with the steps that I'm taking to get there.

I'm trying to do it with as much, you know, love and care and consideration as possible.

consuelo: That sounds beautiful.

chloe caudillo: letting go of of what it looks like or what it's supposed to look like or what it's supposed to be and just Being present in in your life and in, you know, on your path.

consuelo: Oh, I love that Yeah, absolutely love that That is so strong, that's [00:40:00] gonna be your quote, that's gonna be That's gonna resonate with everybody, um, for so long, You always have visions. You can, um, really obviously manifest the visions you have as your creative side. What do you see for yourself? What is, like, the furthest out there that you just, like, yeah.”What if that happened?”

consuelo: What does that look like?

chloe caudillo: would love to direct, uh, movies. I would love to direct, like, a feature that I wrote. So I think that putting that energy out there and how it happens, it doesn't you know, it can just be a a indie movie.

It can be something small. And continuing to collaborate and tell unconventional stories, like, I don't try to limit myself what I need to do or how it needs to happen. So just continuing to learn and and be involved somehow in telling those stories, it's just personally gratifying to me.

consuelo: If you'd like people to reach out, what's the best way to, uh, reach out to you on, and any social media you'd like

chloe caudillo: On the on the gram, I'm coco dot loca,

[00:41:00] chloe caudillo: to my mother's horror.

And my my website is w w w dot coco dash loca dot com.

If there's anything that I can get through, it's like this it's it's been a journey for me to get here, and I'm so proud of all the things little imperfect things I've made, on the way to development and development too. Is it something I'm I'm learning?

I'm growing? So I I'm just enjoying the ride and, you know, definitely, if anything speaks to you, happy to hear it. Always.

consuelo: Awesome. Awesome.

consuelo: You're a pleasure. Oh my god. Absolute pleasure. Love this. Do you have a favorite Cafecito place?

chloe caudillo: I do. It's Picaresca Barra de Cafe. It's here in LA. Uh, I wanna say Boyle Heights. So they have a little pop up at Silver Lake, but they're, uh, owns they're a Latino owned coffee shop.So they have this awesome cafe de olla… so

consuelo: Oh, is that your favorite then?

chloe caudillo: I love it. I tried to make this I tried

[00:42:00] to do a rip off at at home, but not the same.

consuelo: And that's why we thank God they have them,

This has been absolutely fantastic. I you you speak to such a wide Breath of the human condition and actual life, but I love your positivity. That is your authentic voice, and I really appreciate that you have this platform to bring that out.

chloe caudillo: And I I appreciate you too. Same. Same. I feel like when we met, we definitely you're a kindred spirit. You're also putting Something that doesn't exist into the world that's much needed. When when you're connected to your purpose, that's when it flourishes.

consuelo: It is fueling. Yeah. I love how we showed up in matching furs too. It's like, of course you Did. Of course, you did. Oh, that was such a fun night. And that that was, , New Filmmakers, In Los Angeles

Well, I really, really appreciate you sharing so much of us In your authentic voice, in your genuine view on the world, um, it has been an exciting episode. That hope and positivity [00:43:00] of what's coming

consuelo: so thank you so, so very much.

chloe caudillo: Yeah. Thank you so much for finding me. I feel like this was, it was meant to be, and Always a pleasure chatting with you, and I'm so excited for where this goes.

consuelo: Chloe Caudillo, Latina filmmaker and so much more.

A beautiful Mujer with a deep soulful spirit reminding us to follow our dream by staying present in our everyday. That can be so hard, so difficult when you think your present day is maybe just answering emails, meeting deadlines, And making sure you hydrate. Right? There's so much more to it. Her joyful Persistence and positivity is exactly the voice we want behind the films and screenwritings that she's bringing to life.

Do we really wanna see another version of Planet of the Apes, or do we wanna see a story where we feel

[00:44:00] seen and understood. That is not a tough choice. We are so lucky, truly blessed that Chloe insisted on her authenticity on a big platform Because that's where we can join in and be reminded of our power. And, yes, even in her screenwriting, our Latina superpower.

So join us next week for our pod club episode, where we focus in on the gems we heard here today from Chloe. And how it applies to our everyday. These are the takeaways consolidated into a 15 minute episode that you can carry with you all the time. And let's act on the 1 asked from Chloe and other Latina filmmakers you will hear this season when it comes to our role In the comunidad. So take a moment this week and seek out the Latina films on the streaming platforms.

You're going to be surprised. Once you start doing a deep dive,

[00:45:00] there are a lot of short films out there. And once you watch one, Maybe 10 or 15 minute amazing film. That AI will start introducing you to 1 after the other, and you will be hooked. You will be hooked.

You will be so happy, one, that they're there. Two, that you could replace yourself into these movies easily. But it is up to us to discover them, watch them, And follow the filmmakers, the actors, and the crew in solidarity so that they can keep doing their dream, which is entirely benefiting all of us on the other side of the camera. So join us next week in our pod clip episode and let's see what films you discover this week.

Always appreciate you in this community. You are everything. And together, we are glorious. We are powerful,

[00:46:00] And we are changing how things have been done. Share this podcast with your friends and family, drop a review on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, and then follow or subscribe on it So that you don't miss a single episode of the amazing Latinas that you will love to know

We are your 100 percent Latina representation platform. Love to hear your ideas. And if you have someone you would love to hear on the show, then reach out to us on Instagram Encuentras Your Voice, And we will work our magic. Until next week, step into your truth, ladies. Ciao!

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[00:47:00] us what you like, Tell us what you're hoping to hear, and we will get there. Share this with your friends and family to help Help us grow our comunidad and keep following us on our social media, Encuentras Your Voice we are so grateful to you for helping us grow this community and would love to learn of all the amazing Latinas who you know are creating the world we thrive in. So reach out to me on social media at Encuentras Your Voice, and let's keep leaning into our authenticity in pride. Help us make Encuentras Your Voice the place where you are 100 percent represented.

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