Here’s a sister that has your back when it comes to finding the life partner you’ve been dreaming of! Not only does she fill you in on the do’s and don’t of dating, she starts off with glorifying the power you have to be loved as your authentic self.
Discover invaluable relationship advice from love expert, Jessica Ruiz, Latina Founder of Latina Relationship Coach, in this empowering episode. Jessica shares her journey, exploring how her cultural upbringing influenced her perspectives on love, self-love, authenticity, and nurturing lasting relationships.
As a relationship coach, Jessica provides insights into navigating the Latina dating world, handling cultural differences, and emphasizing effective communication for healthy partnerships. Through personal stories and a deep passion for spreading love, she advocates for self-empowerment and trusting the process.
Ladies, get ready to step out of your comfort zone, embrace vulnerability, and follow your heart in matters of love and relationships. Jessica is even working on a book about the single Latina experience, making this a can’t-miss opportunity!
Tune in to Jessica’s inspiring journey on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube on June 19th at 5pm PT. Click the link in the bio, listen to her episode, and prepare to be amazed by her Latina love expertise!
Reach out to Jessica on her website, Latina Relationship Coach, and on her Instagram!
Shoutout for Juneteenth celebration heard in the episode to Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir with Founder Artistic Director Terrance Kelly
#latina #latinarelationshipcoach #latinadating #loveislove #love #lifepartner #soulmate #marriage #relationship #loveofyourlife #juneteenth #oigc38 #terrancekelly
respect our ancestry and our heritage with love and pride because that's who we are.
[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:married and have kids and things like that. That was always something I've always wanted
[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:because you knew they weren't there probably might not like them or it wasn't, you know, like, when I introduced my boyfriends and things because it was something serious.
[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:and even like there was like a meetup and I didn't know anyone and I went by myself. you get used to that as far as getting out of your comfort zone, being vulnerable, , so, in my case, My husband, he's an extrovert, so he gets me out of my comfort zone because he's, that's the way he is. and that's how we compliment each other at things like that. Cause he's yeah, the friendly type. And he does like the jack of all trades, he does DJing and all of that.
[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:rs, are you going to settle? [:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:it's all coming forward.
[:[:[:with you or they want to find more information?
[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:[:sure to follow and subscribe to the Encuentras Your Voice podcast so you don't miss a single episode.