Happy New Year and Feliz Año Nuevo as we kick off Season 8 with a sneak peek of the 3 women leading you to your best version of authenticity.

These ladies will inspire you to take a stand of living on your terms, collaborating with each other in support and loving every part of yourself, free from society’s expectations.

January 15 – Luciana Couto, a Brazilian Health Coach and Wellness Influencer on a mission to make wellness accessible to all women. Drop thinking of resolutions and diets, Luciana is all about feeling confident in your body, mind, and attitude. She def knows confidence, given her courageous journey from Brazil to Toronto to discover her best self. Discover the top 5 routines that will have you greeting each day with enthusiasm and joy.

January 22 – Mariery Young, Panamanian illustrator with Chinese heritage, Founder of Mezclao Studio, branding identity, illustration, and surface design, with clients like Nike, Facebook, Instagram and Sephora.

Her native plant patterns and bright colors were inspired by her abuelita’s love for gardening. Mariery is a force, an emphatic call to action to women to define their value, live their truth and love themselves in it, empowering women through branding, branding of themselves and their business to reflect personal narratives in creative work.

January 29 – Heather Reese, Peruana, adopted at birth by a Jewish mother and California father, and raised on the US East Coast. Talk about self discovery! As a Latina lawyer, she discusses the challenges faced by minority women in the legal profession, the significance of authenticity, and the need for visibility and representation in business. 

This one is all about self-love, confidence, and the importance of community and how embracing vulnerability and authenticity can lead to stronger relationships and personal growth. Like walking the runways as a Large Body Model! She is all that!

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